Are you currently studying at one of the creative institutions in the Netherlands and do you want to be better prepared for your professional life? Now is the time to become a member of the Kunstenbond.

Get the first year of your student membership for free. Afterwards, the student membership costs €5,50 per month during the remainder of your education.

The Kunstenbond is committed to improving the work circumstances for all creative individuals in the Netherlands who share a passion for creating. A beautiful passion to us, but what about the reward? A fair income for all creators makes sense, yet this often is not the reality. We’re here to change that.

Icoon van een hand met 3 poppetjes erop. Samen voor elkaar

A student membership includes:

  • One hour of legal support per year
  • Getting to know the professional side of the creative and cultural sector


At the academy you will not be taught about entrepreneurship and freelancing. But as a starting entrepreneur such knowledge is key. We can help you to get started with answers to the most important questions about money, income, value, risk, contracts, customers and taxes.



If you would like to use one of the options below, please indicate this when completing your membership form.

Music: Ntb

As of 2018, the Ntb has merged with the Kunstenbond. If you are a musician or if you work in the music sector, you will become a member of the Vakgroep Music/Ntb.

composers: VCTN

If you are (also) a music author or composer, you can become a member of VCTN, the association of composers and lyricists which is an initiative of the Kunstenbond/Ntb, at no extra cost.


If you (also) work in vocational education, you can also become a (free) member of BO, the trade union for vocational education. If you do, you will also be involved in consultations about negotiations with educational institutions.


If you work as a jazz musician, you can also become a member of BiMpro, the professional association for improvising musicians that is affiliated with the Kunstenbond, at no extra cost.